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Best Organic Product 2022 Emile Noël

Best Organic Product 2022 Emile Noël

On Tuesday, November 09, the awards ceremony for Best Organic Product 2022 took place.

Emile Noël wins two prizes!

Our organic wavy potato chips won the award, as did our gourmet organic vinaigrette!

We’re very proud of this achievement.

Our wavy potato chips are handmade in Provence from French potatoes. Cooking them in a cauldron gives them that irresistible taste and crunch.

Thin, crispy, wavy potato chips for the whole family, young and old alike. They’re perfect for aperitifs, picnics and other festive occasions.

You can find them here: Organic wavy potato chips

Our Organic Gourmet Vinaigrette is a blend of products that give it such a gourmet taste. It is based on sesame and raspberry oil. It can be an ingredient that adds originality to your salads.

You can find it here: Organic Vinaigrette Gourmande
