Emile Noël launches a major competition

Emile Noël launches a major competition

Emile Noël has decided to make you happy by launching a major competition, Le sésame d’or.

You can win more than 80 prizes with a total value of over 2,000€.

So how do you get involved?

Well, it’s simple: just buy a bottle of 1L Sesame oil with the “Golden Sesame” label.

When you uncork your bottle for the first time, look inside the cork: if it says “WON” with a 3-digit code, you’ve won! You must then visit the emilenoel.com website to redeem your voucher.

On the other hand, if there’s nothing written in your cap, you’ve lost…

The lots are as follows:
– 5 vouchers worth €80 on the emilenoel.bio website

– 75 vouchers worth €25 on the emilenoel.bio website

For more details on the rules, click here: Sesame d’or contest rules .
