Find useful links to certification bodies, agencies and associations in the organic world.
Association Française Des Intolérants Au Gluten, run by coeliacs or parents of coeliac children. The aim of the association is to inform, help and defend the interests of people with gluten intolerance. Collaborate with the medical professions, government bodies, pharmaceutical laboratories, food manufacturers, manufacturers and distributors of gluten-free dietary products, catering professionals, etc. Support research through donations to GERMC (Groupe d’Étude et de Recherche sur la Maladie Cœliaque)
The Association Française Interprofessionnelle de l’Olive was created in 1999.
Recognized by the French government (laws of July 10, 1975 and July 9, 1999), it is a private organization that brings together upstream and downstream partners in the French olive industry.
Agence Bio
French agency for the development and promotion of organic agriculture.
Created in November 2001, the Agence française pour le développement et la promotion de l’agriculture biologique (French agency for the development and promotion of organic farming) is a national platform for information and action, part of a dynamic to develop, promote and structure French organic farming.
Bio Partner
Bio Partenaire is a professional association that promotes the alliance between the values of Organic Agriculture and the principles of Fair Trade. It aims to affirm the role of SMEs as drivers of development, in close partnership with producers. The Association supports companies in the creation and development of the Bio Solidaire and Bio Equitable sectors.
Inspection and certification body for organic farming products.
Founded in 1991, Ecocert is the French specialist in organic product certification.
This site includes all the latest news from the Fédération Nationale de l’Agriculture Biologique des régions de France, which federates regional groups of organic farmers.
Bio in the spotlight
Bio à la une, the 1st Salon Bio on the Internet, offers news on organic alternatives.
Best Organic Product
The Best Organic Product award is a guarantee of taste and effectiveness. It is a practical aid for all store customers.
Iterg has positioned itself as a reference for the knowledge, analysis and technology of fats and oils…
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is the United Nations specialized agency leading international efforts to eliminate hunger.
Mon Quotidien Bio
Mon Quotidien Bio brings together some twenty organic brands: Biocoop – Bioporc – Biosoleil – Bjorg – Bonjour Campagne – Bonneterre – Carte Nature – Danival – Delouis – Emile Noël – Jardin BiO’ – La Vie Claire – Le Picoreur – Les 2 vaches – Lima – Naturalia – Nature de France – Naturgie – Meneau – Priméal – Pro Sain – Sojade – Soy – Vitamont – Vrai.
Each week, you’ll discover information on the collective’s brands, culinary tips and advice, recipes, not to mention competitions!
La Bio des 4 Saisons
Discover the campaign to promote organic products.
Organic meals
Agence BIO has set up a steering committee dedicated to collective catering: the Comité Actions en Restauration Collective Bio. Its members are mobilized to support the development of the introduction of organic ingredients on the tables of collective restaurants.