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Emile Noël creates a sector in Guinea to develop his avocado oil

Emile Noël, as a true creator of supply chains, always on the lookout for exceptional raw materials to develop his organic oils, has known for years where to find the best products.

This is how we wanted to develop our own avocado sector in Guinea, a country in which this crop is historic.
As the group’s desire is always in a spirit of high standards, to leave the added value as much as possible to the producers, the decision was taken to build the production plant on site, in the heart of the crops.

This is why, in 2018, we chose to create Emile Noël Guinée. An oil mill bringing together a dozen people, in the heart of Guinea itself, and as close as possible to the cultivation territories. With this structure, we aim to produce 60,000 liters of organic avocado oil within 4 years.
In 2019, we set ourselves the goal of reaching 20,000 litres.

Discover our sector through this video

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To learn more about the project, find the infographic below.

The construction of this ambitious project was made possible thanks to the support and co-financing of DeveloPPP, which in turn was funded by the BMZ, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation.

LOGO develoPPP.de
LOGO sequa
Infographie EmileNoel Guinée

Key information to know:

  • Crops are irrigated in a natural way thanks to rain: rain-fed cultivation.
  • The sector allows for local job creation (100% Guinean).
  • The sector participates in the economic reconstruction of the country.
  • As the production plant is on site, this makes it possible to obtain a fresh quality product.
  • We are the 2nd sector to be certified organic in Guinea.