Artichoke bottoms with warm goat cheese

Looking for a tasty dish that’s easy to prepare? Artichoke bottoms with warm goat’s cheese are ideal for you. We invite you to discover our unique recipe, which reveals subtle tones and spicy flavours. A perfect combination of mild flavors and warm cheese that goes perfectly with artichokes. A delicious and affordable dish that will delight your guests! Don’t wait any longer and try this delicious dish!

Une recette proposée par :

  • Quantité

    2 artichokes

  • Temps de préparation

    30 minutes

  • Temps de repos


  • Temps de cuisson

    40 minutes

  • Temps total

    1 hour and 10 minutes

Liste des ingrédients

Artichoke bottoms with warm goat cheese

La recette

– Tear off the tail with your hands to remove as many filaments as possible from the bottom.
– Using a knife, loosen the leaves at the base and contour the artichoke to make it rounder.
– Hold the artichoke firmly by the tip of the flower head and cut the leaves at the base to recover the bottom.
– Round off the edges with a small knife, then remove the hay and dip the artichoke hearts in a bowl of lemon juice.
– Cook the artichoke bottoms for 20-30 minutes in a pot of boiling water.
– Place on baking sheet or ovenproof container. Season with salt and pepper, then add the goat cheese mixture on top. Sprinkle with fresh thyme and bake for 10 min at 180°C.
– Before serving, drizzle with Emile Noel milk thistle oil.

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