Fresh quinoa & grilled chicken salad

Looking for the fresh, delicious taste of grilled chicken? Then the Fresh Quinoa & Grilled Chicken Salad is for you! This flavorful, nutrient-rich salad is easy to prepare and contains healthy, fresh and tasty ingredients. The quinoa adds a light crunch and the grilled chicken adds a delicious smoky flavour. A perfect recipe for hot summer days!

Une recette proposée par :

  • Quantité

    4 people

  • Temps de préparation

    35 minutes

  • Temps de repos


  • Temps de cuisson

    30 minutes

  • Temps total

    1 hour and 5 minutes

Liste des ingrédients

  • 200 g white and red quinoa mix
  • 120 g crisp green beans
  • ½ cucumber
  • 250 g coloured cherry tomatoes
  • 40 g black olives
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 c. coffee cumin

Fresh quinoa & grilled chicken salad

La recette

– Rinse the quinoa twice with clean water to remove the bitter-tasting saponin that surrounds the grains. Cook the quinoa for 10 minutes in one and a half times its volume of boiling salted water. Remove from heat, cover and leave to swell for a further 5 minutes. Drain and leave to cool.
– Plunge stemmed green beans into a pan of boiling water with a pinch of baking soda for 7 minutes. Refresh in a bowl of cold water, then drain. Green beans should be al dente.
– Thinly slice the cucumber and halve the tomatoes.
– Prepare the vinaigrette by emulsifying the lemon juice, mustard and 4 tablespoons ofoil.
– Grill the chicken in a hot pan with 2 tablespoons ofoil. Halfway through cooking, add the cumin. Season with salt and pepper. At the end of cooking, deglaze the chicken with a few drops of lemon juice. Allow the meat juices to caramelize for a few seconds before turning off the heat.
– Chop aromatic herbs.
– Combine the quinoa, vegetables, grilled chicken, olives and sauce in a salad bowl. Blend. Add fresh herbs, salt and pepper to taste. Mix again and serve!

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