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Roasted sweet potato and pomegranate salad

This recipe can delight palates and amaze guests: Roasted Sweet Potato and Pomegranate Salad is a recipe full of flavor and texture, featuring strips of golden sweet potato sautéed in spicy olive oil, sprinkled with pine nuts and creamy feta, accompanied by crunchy pomegranates. A delicious blend to amaze your guests and delight your taste buds!

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Tomato, squash and chorizo soup

A simple, tasty recipe to delight your guests: tomato, squash and chorizo soup! Bold flavours and a mix of textures that perfectly blend chorizo, tomato and squash: a meal rich in love with every bite! For a unique culinary experience, come and discover this unforgettable recipe.

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Aperitif cones

Make delicious, tasty, quick and healthy cones with bricks, vegetables and vinaigrette, served with onion confit and salad. Add a magical touch to your aperitif with this easy and tasty recipe!

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Spiced apple chutney


Transformez votre cuisine en une expérience culinaire extraordinaire grâce à cette recette délicieuse de chutney comprenant des pommes, du vinaigre de Xérès, du sucre, des flocons de piment, un bâton de cannelle, des échalotes, du gingembre moulu, de la cardamone en poudre et du sel. Préparez-le selon les instructions, conservez-le dans un pot hermétique et dégustez-le avec votre famille pendant un mois.

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Organic sherry vinegar

Discover the essence of culinary Spain with our Organic Sherry Vinegar. The result of ancestral know-how, it naturally contains the richness of Jerez. Enchanting aromas, inspiring recipes, responsible choices: a gastronomic treasure trove for magical moments in the kitchen!

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