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Aperitif cones

Looking for a quick, healthy and delicious recipe for an aperitif? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this recipe, we suggest you prepare cones to serve with onion confit and a tasty salad. A delightful taste discovery that will make a magical impression on your guests! With ingenious tips, we’ll show you how to prepare and serve delicious cones with little effort. Prepare your bricks, vegetables and vinaigrette and let this recipe be your guide. Taste and simplicity are yours!

Une recette proposée par :

  • Quantité

    4 people

  • Temps de préparation

    20 minutes

  • Temps de repos


  • Temps de cuisson

    15 minutes

  • Temps total

    35 minutes

Liste des ingrédients

For cones :

  • Bricks sheets
  • Olive or grapeseed oil

For the onion confit:

For the salad :

  • 1 raw beet
  • 1 raw carrot
  • Lamb’s lettuce

For the vinaigrette :

Aperitif cones

La recette

Cone preparation :
-Cut your bricks into quarters and trim the rounded edges to form triangles.
-Brush with grapeseed oil or olive oil.
Roll into a cone shape using either cone-shaped molds, homemade aluminum molds or no molds at all – there are techniques available on the net.
-Place in the oven for a few minutes at 180 until the cones are golden brown.
-Make a reservation.

Onion confit:
-Finely chop an onion and sauté in 1 tbsp grapeseed or olive oil until translucent.
-Add 1 teaspoon sugar, then 1 teaspoon sherry vinegar.
-Cook for 15 min, adding a little water if necessary.

-Prepare your vinaigrette by mixing the ingredients.
-Grate the vegetables and add the lamb’s lettuce.
-Add vinaigrette to taste and toss.

Arrange the onion confit and salad in small bowls and garnish your cones at aperitif time!
Be careful not to garnish beforehand, otherwise the bricks tend to soften!
You can also add hummus or other spreads such as seaweed tartar, or cheese!
The choice is yours!

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