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Buddha bowl with Asian flavours

If you’re looking for a delicious meal to complement your healthy, balanced lifestyle, opt for a Buddha Bowl with Asian flavours! Bring together the flavours of rice, vegetables and Asian condiments for a feeling of satiety and nutritious dishes to savour. Fill your bowl with raw and cooked vegetables, legumes or even eggs and seafood, topped with a yogurt or mayonnaise-based sauce. With creativity and wholesome ingredients, you’ll get a delicious Buddha bowl with Asian flavors that will meet your nutritional needs.

Une recette proposée par :

  • Quantité

    4 people

  • Temps de préparation

    45 minutes

  • Temps de repos


  • Temps de cuisson

    30 minutes

  • Temps total

    1 hour and 15 minutes

Liste des ingrédients

To garnish the bowls

  • 200 g round rice
  • 160 g fresh or frozen broad beans
  • 2 shallots
  • 125 g spinach
  • 1 c. tablespoon gomasio
  • 200 g tempeh
  • 2 cm ginger root
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 spring onions
  • 50 g roasted peanuts
  • 4 eggs
  • 6 c. tablespoon Emile Noël organic cooking oil
For the sauce

  • 4 c. tablespoon tamari
  • 1 c. tablespoon coconut sugar
  • 1 c. teaspoon hot pepper sauce (optional)
  • 4 c. tablespoon rice vinegar
  • 4 c. tablespoon Emile Noël organic toasted sesame oil

Buddha bowl with Asian flavours

La recette

For the sauce

– In a bowl, mix the sesame oil with all the other ingredients.
– Make a reservation.

To garnish the bowls

– Cook the rice and keep warm.
– Blanch the beans for 2 minutes in a pan of boiling water. Rinse under cold water and remove the thin skin.
– Sauté the chopped shallots in 2 tablespoons of hot cooking oil, then add the spinach. Let them melt for about 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, add the gomasio. Season with pepper. Make a reservation.
– Cut tempeh into thick strips. Grill them in 1 tablespoon of hot oil with the grated ginger and pressed garlic for 5 minutes. Deglaze with a little sauce. Make a reservation.
– Chop the green part of the spring onions.
– Chop the peanuts.
– Pour a little rice, a few beans, spinach, grilled tempeh and spring onions into 4 bowls.
– Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large frying pan and crack in 4 eggs. When the white is cooked, stop cooking.
– Place a fried egg on each bowl. Drizzle with sauce and sprinkle with peanuts.
– Serve immediately.

For a nice effect, you can cut out the 4 fried eggs using an 8-centimetre round cookie cutter! If you don’t have rice vinegar, you can replace it with sushi vinegar and remove the sugar from the recipe (this vinegar is already sweetened).

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