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Thai chicken & peanut salad

Discover a delicious new take on Thai cuisine with Thai Chicken & Peanut Salad. A tasty, balanced recipe that’s both healthy and economical. You’ll be seduced by the exotic flavors and sweetness of chicken meat marinated in soy sauce and traditional recipes. A mix of peanuts and fresh vegetables add a refreshing, textured touch to this dish. Gourmet pleasure is always guaranteed with this sautéed salad. A perfect recipe for a quick and tasty dinner.

Une recette proposée par :

  • Quantité

    4 people

  • Temps de préparation

    40 minutes

  • Temps de repos

    1 hour

  • Temps de cuisson

    20 minutes

  • Temps total

    2 hours

Liste des ingrédients

For the Thai dressing :

For the salad :

  • 2 boneless chicken breasts, skin removed
  • 12 mini-bok choy, minced
  • 2 carrots, thinly sliced
  • 250 ml bean sprouts
  • 60 ml chopped roasted peanuts
  • 4 c. tablespoon mixed coriander and fresh mint

Thai chicken & peanut salad

La recette

– Combine all dressing ingredients in a jar. Shake vigorously to emulsify.
– Grill chicken breasts in a skillet until golden brown.
– Let the breasts cool for 1 hour, then slice them.
– Prepare the remaining salad ingredients.
– Serve salad with chicken and drizzle with vinaigrette.

It contains large quantities of omega 3, 6 and 9, fatty acids known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
It is also very high in vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant against free radicals). The remarkable presence of vitamin K makes it a good ally for bone health.

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