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Roasted cauliflower soup with smoked tea

Roasted cauliflower velouté with smoked tea will have you feeling like a gourmet meal in no time! You’ll be blown away by the delicacy and flavor of this unique blend of smoked tea and roasted cauliflower. Made in no time from simple ingredients, this velouté will surprise your palate and delight your guests.

Une recette proposée par :

  • Quantité

    4 people

  • Temps de préparation

    30 minutes

  • Temps de repos


  • Temps de cuisson


  • Temps total


Liste des ingrédients

  • 1 cauliflower
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 sweet onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 liter unsweetened soya milk
  • 200 ml smoked black tea

Roasted cauliflower soup with smoked tea

La recette

– Preheat oven to 190°C.
– Cut the cauliflower into florets and spread on a baking sheet.
– Roast the cauliflower in the oven for 30 minutes. Finish cooking with a blow of the grill to roast.
– Peel onion, garlic and potatoes.
– In a large saucepan, place the roasted cauliflower florets with the remaining vegetables. Cover with milk, cream and tea. Add a little water to cover the vegetables if necessary.
– Add the bouillon cubes and bring to the boil.
– Dry-roast the sunflower seeds in a frying pan.
– Serve each bowl with a drizzle of linseed oil, a few leaves of curly parsley and roasted sunflower seeds.
– Season with salt and pepper to taste.

For a more pronounced toasted note, replace the sunflower seeds with 2 tablespoons of toasted pine nuts.

One of the richest oils in omega-3 (a fatty acid essential to our body, which cannot produce it itself). Promoting cell renewal, it is a major ally for skin and hair.

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