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Mini cheesecake with red onion petals


Cette recette unique en son genre est tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour un dessert délicieux et impressionnant. Avec ses saveurs sucrées et salées, sa croûte croustillante et sa garniture à la ricotta, le Mini cheesecake aux pétales d’oignons rouges ravira les papilles et satisfaira les plus fins gourmets. Pour rendre l’expérience encore plus riche et mémorable, ajoutez des pétales d’oignons rouges à chaque bouchée pour un goût subtil et sophistiqué. Avec cette recette facile et délicieuse, vos invités se régaleront à chaque bouchée!

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Lentil and curry soup

A rich, nutritious recipe: Discover Lentil and Curry Soup. Flavored with a touch of curry and packed with healthy, complex vegetables, this soup is both satisfying and healthy. The lentils add delicate texture and flavor to complement the creamy sauce and form a rich, nutritious meal. Enjoy this marvellous blend of flavours. Try this recipe and enjoy a healthy and delicious meal.

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Cream of garlic soup

Velouté d’ail confit is a surprisingly authentic recipe that will take you on a unique culinary journey! You can use it to impress your guests at a party, or to change up a classic menu. Its sweet and delicious combination will delight the most demanding palates. So make sure you peel and generously preserve your garlic cloves to cook the velouté of your dreams and enjoy an exceptional dish!

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Roasted cauliflower soup with smoked tea

Discover this unique and delicious blend of smoked tea and roasted cauliflower that will give you the sensations of a gourmet dish in no time. Surprise your guests with this velouté, whose breathtaking taste is sure to please. Quick and easy to make, let yourself be enchanted by its exhilarating flavours!

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Panzanella with heirloom tomatoes

Looking for a tasty, flavorful starter? Make your own Panzanella with heirloom tomatoes! This Italian wonder made with bread and heirloom tomatoes is a delight for the taste buds. Enjoy this blend of tasty tomatoes, bocconcini, basil and olive oil to impress your guests and give them an unforgettable Mediterranean taste. An easy and irresistible recipe!

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Tomato and pineapple gazpacho

This summer, discover a unique and delicious recipe: pineapple-tomato gazpacho. This tasty blend is the ideal drink to cool down on hot days, with the sweetness of tomatoes blended with the pleasant acidity of pineapple. Come and treat your taste buds to this unique and tasty recipe that will leave no one indifferent!

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Pineapple carpaccio with basil and hemp oil pepper

Delicious and unique, Pineapple Carpaccio with Basil, Pepper and Hemp Oil is the perfect flavor for your summer meals! This exquisitely flavored blend features juicy pineapple, aromatic basil and peppers sautéed in hemp oil. Treat your guests or enjoy a moment of summer indulgence at home. Treat yourself to this pineapple carpaccio, which reveals a world of delights with every bite!

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Green salad of broccoli and peas with basil


Une recette délicieuse et légère: Green Salad de Brocolis et Petits Pois au Basilic ! Une explosion de couleurs et de saveurs, où un intense jus vous laissera en réclamer encore. Les légumes frais associés à la douce saveur fraiche et douce du basilic seront une véritable aventure pour vos sens. Attention, vous allez vouloir en prendre encore !

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Orange chestnut soup

Enjoy this comforting and delicious treat to warm up your winter dinners with Orange Chestnut Soup! Easy to prepare and packed with discreet flavors, accompanied by a crispy galette and crème fraîche, it’s the ideal moment to share this gourmet moment. Enjoy the season!

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