Chicken with Tandoori Mustard

Looking for an appetizing and original dish? Try Tandoori Mustard Chicken, a delicious blend of Indian and European flavors. An easy, tasty recipe that will surprise your taste buds and everyone at your table. Tasty chicken cubes cooked to perfection in a mustard and tomato sauce, enhanced by a blend of Indian tandoori spices. A delicious and tasty recipe you can’t afford to miss!

Une recette proposée par :

  • Quantité

    4 people

  • Temps de préparation

    30 minutes

  • Temps de repos


  • Temps de cuisson

    30 minutes

  • Temps total

    1 hour

Liste des ingrédients

Chicken with Tandoori Mustard

La recette

– Brown the chicken in a skillet until it begins to brown.
– To prepare the sauce, add the mustard and cream to the pan with the chicken and reduce.
– Then add the honey.
– Then roast the sweet potatoes in the oven.
– Serve on a plate.

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